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Heidi Dog Treatments

Zwei Hunde

The Perfect Care For Your Pup

For us, the perfect care always means its a all round complete care. This includes: Preliminary work as determine coat condition, tick removal, examination of wounds, ear and eye care, paw and nail care, brushing and combing complete as preparation as well as intimate care, bathing with appropriate brand shampoo, blow-dry by hand, trimming or undercoat removal. Furthermore, the coat is checked for matting and coat structure so that the optimal care can follow.

Wash & Blow Dry

The appropriate shampoo is selected based on the skin and hair type. In the height-adjustable tub, the soak is very pleasant and your dog is pampered with a shampoo massage and dried with warm air.

Canine Friseur
Das Fell bürsten

Brush & Comb

Regular combing and brushing is very important so that the hair does not lose its healthy and natural shine. Tangles can be prevented and the coat remains beautiful.

Shear & Cut

In our Heidi salon we cut according to the F.C.I. breed standard, unless otherwise agreed. The eye area and paws are cut out with the greatest care according to your personal wishes.

Sich die Haare schneiden lassen
Pelz abschneiden

Trimm by Hand

For very rough-haired breeds. Your dog's hair is trimmed, i.e. old dead hair is pulled out. After the treatment, the coat is compact, firm, colorfast

and resistant.


If the coat is matted, it's a lack of air circulation and this can damage the skin. Parasites, eczema and fungal infections can develop. We recommend shaving off the entire coat once.


Undercoat Removal

In some dogs it is also necessary to remove the undercoat. The undercoat is thinned out but not completely removed so that the natural protection is not lost.

Ear & Eyes

The ears are completely cleaned with special cloths without oil, so that no inflammation can occur. If we find contamination, we recommend you to make a check-up at the vet as a precaution.

Französische Bulldogge

Paw & Nails

If the nails are too long, the dog can no longer walk properly and the nails become deformed, which can be very painful. It is therefore important to trim the nails regularly.



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